Tuesday 28 February 2017

Episode 22 - Someone Build That Man A Statue Now - 28th of February 2017

In this episode we discuss the win over Swansea and the up coming game against West Ham. We also give one last plug to the national in Brisbane and talk about why we have nationals.

itunes - http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChelseaAustraliaPodcast

Player FM - https://player.fm/series/chelsea-australia-podcast

Acast - https://www.acast.com/chelseaaustraliapodcast

Twitter - @ChelseaOZPod

Remember all questions, suggestions, plugs etc to - info@chelseaozpod.com

Facebook PageChelsea Australia Podcast - https://www.facebook.com/ChelseaOzPod/

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Episode 21 - You Guys Have To Host You Have The Best...... - 21st February 2017

In this episode we talk about the games against Wolves and who we drew in the Qtr Finals of the cup. We also look forward to the game against Swansea and talk about the up coming national in Brisbane.

itunes - http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChelseaAustraliaPodcast

Player FM - https://player.fm/series/chelsea-australia-podcast

Acast - https://www.acast.com/chelseaaustraliapodcast

Twitter - @ChelseaOZPod

Remember all questions, suggestions, plugs etc to - info@chelseaozpod.com

Facebook PageChelsea Australia Podcast - https://www.facebook.com/ChelseaOzPod/

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Episode 20 - More Reasons I Don't Like Burnley - 14th of February 2017

In this episode we look back at the game against Arsenal and Burnley and look ahead to the FA Cup game against Wolves, we also relieve our favourite FA cup moments

itunes - http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChelseaAustraliaPodcast

Player FM - https://player.fm/series/chelsea-australia-podcast

Acast - https://www.acast.com/chelseaaustraliapodcast

Twitter - @ChelseaOZPod

Remember all questions, suggestions, plugs etc to - info@chelseaozpod.com

Facebook PageChelsea Australia Podcast - https://www.facebook.com/ChelseaOzPod/

Thursday 2 February 2017

Episode 19 - Well It Was Worth A Point - 2nd February 2017

In this episode Jason and Ilario are joined by Jesse and take a look back at the games against Brentford and Liverpool, while looking ahead to the game against Arsenal. They ask is Eden in a form slump and pay tribute to Ivanovic and Frank Lampard who announced his retirement as the show was being recorded.

*might be a slight sound issue, if you know or can fix it please email or message Ilario direct on some pointers please*

itunes - http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChelseaAustraliaPodcast

Player FM - https://player.fm/series/chelsea-australia-podcast

Acast - https://www.acast.com/chelseaaustraliapodcast

Twitter - @ChelseaOZPod

Remember all questions, suggestions, plugs etc to - info@chelseaozpod.com

Facebook PageChelsea Australia Podcast - https://www.facebook.com/ChelseaOzPod/