Friday 28 April 2017

Episode 26 - Is There A Fire Drill? 27th of April 2017

In this episode we review the FA Cup semi final win against Sp**s and the win in the league against Southampton, we also look forward to the game against Everton.

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Tuesday 18 April 2017

Episode 25 - You Better Not Lose To T***$$$$m - 18th of April 2017

In this episode we talk about the ill fated game against Manchester United and look forward to our game in the semi final of the FA cup against Sp*r$.

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Twitter - @ChelseaOZPod

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Wednesday 12 April 2017

Episode 24 - Moses To The Face. - 11th April 2017

In this episode we are joined by Dan Thorne of the Melbourne Chelsea Group and we take a look back at the surprising loss to Crystal Palace and the games against Manchester City and Bournemouth. We also preview the game against Manchester United.

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Twitter - @ChelseaOZPod

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